
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and psychological exhaustion caused by extreme and chronic levels of stress. It can take months or even years to develop and left unmanaged, it can cause someone to develop depression, anxiety, or other emotional wellbeing issues. In its earliest stages, someone with burnout might feel lacking in energy, low in mood, frustrated and unable to focus as they usually would. Over time, if the source of stress is left unmanaged, the person may find it difficult to complete even the most basic of tasks without a huge amount of physical and psychological effort.

Chronic stress is one of the most harmful types of stress and can result from long-term situations, including:

  • Too many demands at once which feel never-ending
  • Working too hard, for too long without time to step back
  • Taking on too much and not being able to ask for help
  • Being the person everyone relies on for emotional support
  • Being bullied at work or home with no resolution in sight.

Until the source of stress is addressed, it can feel impossible to see an escape. When living with chronic stress, responses can become ingrained due to a change in the hardwiring of the neurobiology of the brain and body.

Signs of burnout

Burnout shows up in different ways for different people. Some signs include:

  • Physical. Feeling exhausted and lacking in energy. Sleeping more than usual, or finding it difficult to sleep at all. Experiencing stress-related physical health problems such as severe colds, stomach problems, weight gain or loss, or skin problems.
  • Emotional depletion. Difficulty experiencing the usual range of emotions. Feeling neither happy or sad, instead feeling nothing at all.
  • Lacking in focus. Even simple tasks feel impossible. Attention to detail may suffer and mistakes or misunderstandings become the norm.
  • Denial. People at any stage of burnout may deny to themselves and others that anything is wrong.
  • Detachment. Despite enjoying their job and having good relationships with friends, family and colleagues, feeling as if these parts of life offer little or no pleasure.
  • Self-isolation. Avoiding other people for fear of having to engage because even a casual chat to a friend or colleague feels totally overwhelming.
  • Escape fantasies. Fantasising about running away from everything including their job, friends and family.
  • Self-medication. Misusing alcohol, drugs, or food to manage feelings.
  • Irritability. Feelings of frustration and a short fuse, especially when things go awry.

Recovering from burnout

Practicing self-care, getting good sleep, following a healthy diet, staying physically active and addressing stressors as they arise offer some insurance against developing burnout. However, if you are heading towards burnout, or are in the midst of it, there are steps you can take to recover.

1. Acknowledge the reality. This the first step to taking control. There is nothing to feel ashamed about – burnout isn’t an indicator that you’re not a resilient and capable human being, but simply a sign that you’re feeling overwhelmed.

2. Write a list of everything you’re feeling stressed about. This could include money worries, a relationship problem, a bereavement, work-related demands, or anything else you’re dealing with. You don’t have to address your stressors all at once, but writing them down can help you to focus on the priorities.

3. Speak to your GP. While burnout is not a mental health problem it can lead to depression, anxiety or other emotional wellbeing problems over time and can also affect your physical health. Letting your GP know how you’re feeling is a good first step in recovering.

4. Talk to your manager and ask for support. You don’t have to share anything that you don’t want but it’s important that you let them know that things are not easy for you at the moment.

5. Contact the Retail Trust to speak in confidence with an advisor who can help you to sort out your thoughts and feelings in a way that feels comfortable for you.

6. Don’t try and please everyone. This is an impossible bar to set and will cause more stress. At home, delegate chores to others and, if you can, take steps to manage excessive work demands with the help of your manager.

7. Look after your body and mind. Practice good sleep hygiene, get at least 30 minute of physical activity a day (a walk counts!), and eat food that will support your physical and mental health.

8. Reduce or avoid alcohol while you’re recovering from burnout. Alcohol can disrupt sleep, lower mood, and make us less resilient to everyday stressors.

9. Take time to recover. This might mean taking unused holiday, ensuring weekends are free of multiple demands, or using downtime to take up a new hobby. Self-care is different for everyone – just make sure that you’re doing something that you enjoy and offers you a sense of calm.

10. Know that nothing is forever. This will pass with the right support from friends, family, your workplace, your GP and the Retail Trust.